Monday 24 November 2014

aadhaar to establish identity authenticate online

 basic understanding of aadhaar card usage

The Unique Identification (Aadhaar) Number, give authorized tool ar document to carry his identity as resident of India and at times may produce its legal identity to public and private agencies across the country.
Population have seen so many numbers in various cards meant for different purpose, but The Unique Identification (Aadhaar) Number shall remain one point solution to usage at various point. Population should know the three very common but very important attributes as Primary, Unique and Global.

 how to authenticaate aadhaar id?

There are many ways to authenticate the Adhaar ID but the solid and official way to authenticate online in UIDAI Official Website from which you can check the current status of you Adhaar Card.
You have to only enter your 14 Digit Adhaar ID Enrollment No. and it's date with time to see the current enrollment status of your UID Adhaar Card.